Covid-19 Safety Plan
This is how we did it!

The pandemic has changed many procedures at the Preschool and the Summer Day Camp. The health safety plan shall remain in place until Pepperhill is notified of a change. This means there will be a daily temperature check upon arrival before the child leaves the car and hands will be sanitized. We shall continue to use best practices as guidelines along with the CDC recommendations. Face mask must be worn while traveling to and from camp while traveling on the vans or buses.
Kinder Campers are to be transported to and from the camp. Any child requiring a car seat must be brought to camp and issued a permit in order to travel Baker Lane. This is a condition issued by the Jessamine County Board of Adjustment.
Camp buses and vans will be used to transport campers to and from the drop off and pick up points. Bus service will be provided if Certified Drivers can be found. If parents prefer to transport their child(en) a permit to drive on Baker Lane must be issued by the camp.